Friday, June 7, 2013

[164] BookRix!


BookRix is THE top book community. We connect authors and readers: 
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BookRix YA Contest “Be The Best (Seller) You Can Be!”

Writing is your talent, your skill, and your greatness! Unfortunately, being an Indie Author comes with a downside: The grueling task of self-marketing. It’s a big, book-filled world out there, and without marketing, readers won’t know about you or your work. It’s kinda hard to be a Best Seller when nobody knows about your book, so let’s get you noticed!
Entering this contest could ease some of the pressures of marketing because BookRix will help you get your book out there to the world. Yes, we're cool like that!


The top 2 winners in this “Be The Best (Seller)” contest will each receive a MARKETING PACKAGE for special book promotions, when their winning book is self-published via BookRix. This Marketing Package includes being featured on the BookRix website /blog/Twitter & Facebook fan pages/newsletter, external book reviews, possible blog tours and exposure on external sites with a possible feature in an eBook shop. A custom cover and editing service could also be thrown into the mix because, like we said, we are cool like that!

Visit the Contest Page Here:


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  2. As an aspiring author this sounds like a fantastic opportunity. I hope that it is hosted again next year. I am in complete agreement that the hardest part of writing is actually getting your work seen and sold. It is also the part in which potential authors, like myself, really need some help.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am in complete agreement that the hardest part of writing is actually getting your work seen and sold. It is also the part in which potential authors, like myself, really need some help.

  6. المعلومات المقدمة حول أفضل دكتور تجميل انف في مصر قد تم الحصول عليها بالبحث على شبكة الإنترنت من مواقع مختلفة وتقييم بعض المرضى الذين تعاملوا معه ، كما تم الاعتماد على بعض المعلومات المقدمة من جوجل؛ لذلك ينصح موقع تجميلي بالقيام بالمزيد من البحث والتحري بناء على نوع الإجراء التجميلي المراد الخضوع له ونوعيات العمليات التي يقدمها المركز الطبي أو الدكتور بما يتناسب مع حالة الشخص.

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